Revolutionary War News: Brought to you by Cesar Lopez Landaverde.

BREAKING NEWS: Victory at Saratoga The battle of Saratoga has been one of the most, if not the most, critical battles of our revolution. It has turned the tide of the war for us. Our militia has forced General Burgoyne to surrender after the almost month long struggle. Not only has our militia prevented a northern invasion of our northern colonies and foiled the British’s plan to end our revolution, our militia has shown true strength, and determination. They have convinced the world and the British that our revolution is not one that can be ended without our independence. The British want to end this war, as seen through their willingness to give in to our demands, yet they do not want to give us our independence, so we will continue to fight. The French see now that we can win this war, and see gain for themselves, and we should soon be able to form a formal alliance, and other countries will soon follow in the steps of the French. To my countrymen I say, remain hopeful, and remain strong in this struggle for we will win this war and we will have our independence. The Battle of Saratoga has proved that we are dedicated to our goals, and that even the worlds greatest power can not crush us. To anyone reading, I write this to show that our fighting will not be for nothing, our generation will be remembered for centuries to come as one of the greatest, for fighting for ourselves, and our forming nation. I write this to show any royalists who do not support our cause that it is time to reconsider, and I write this to convince the patriots of our great nation to help in any way possible, if that be by joining the militia, contributing financially, contributing resources or food, destroying British goods, or any other form of contribution that you can think of. These contributions will be worth is, and a little can go a long way, so convince your neighbors, your friends and family to contribute, and spread the good news my fellow patriots.